Supporting people with dementia to live independently
Dementia is a neurological condition that progresses over time. People often think that is a condition that is experienced in older age but the truth is that it can be experienced by people of any age and it does not occur to everyone as they get older. It is important that individuals who are living with dementia are supported to be as independent as they can, for as long as possible. This can be achieved with the support of their friends and family.

As the condition progresses you may need to get support from a Care Jobs Gloucester company like Take Five Healthcare Care Jobs to find individuals who can help you with any care needs that you may have. For some, this could be supported with daily tasks such as getting washed and dressed or it might be supporting them to get out and about.

There are many different types of dementia and some of them can be managed with medication. It is important that if you think you or anyone else could be experiencing symptoms of dementia you get medical advice and support. They will carry out some tests and confirm whether you or they do have the condition and how far it may have already progressed. There may be options for medication and support for daily tasks depending on what the persons personal circumstances and support network looks like.