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Common Emergencies for Landlords 

Every landlord has a story of an awful property emergency they’ve had to contend with. Whether they’ve needed some emergency glazing or a 24 hour plumber, you’re not alone. By arming yourself with these tips you can prepare yourself for the worst and also take steps to avoid it.


It’s a scary and costly thought, but accidental fire is one of the most common emergencies for landlords. A fire is at worst a killer and at best can cause thousands of pounds of damage. The easiest way to prevent a fire is to kit your property out with sufficient fire alarms and test them yourself as well as encourage tenants to do so. Replace them frequently, at least between every tenancy. Invest in a small extinguisher and fire blanket for the kitchen and make sure windows are up to fire safety standards. To ensure your electrics are up to safety standards, consider hiring an Exeter Electrician like

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Boiler Breakdowns

During the winter months a call from your tenant about the boiler is one of the most common emergency calls a landlord will receive. Having your boiler serviced annually will prevent certain problems from occurring whilst signing up to a scheme such as British Gas Homecare can avoid high callout costs. The best time to check the boiler is at the beginning of winter.

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It’s a sad fact of renting out property that tenants are less likely to look after it as well as an owner would, which means breakages are common. Broken glass is a common accident and one that can be caused from outside crime or from an accident within the property such as broken television aerials.

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