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The life of those with bipolar displayed on the big screen

Back in 2012, Silver Linings Playbook appeared on the big screen. It is a romantic comedy-drama that sees the likes of Bradley Cooper, Jennifer Lawrence and Robert De Niro playing lead roles in the film. It centres around two characters, Pat and Tiffany. Pat returns home to live with his parents after spending time in a specialist psychiatric hospital to help with his bipolar disorder diagnosis.

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Bipolar is a condition that can result in quick changes between extreme moods, and it is a condition that it is important to know about when employing staff. Mental Health Training Courses like the ones from can help with this.

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Pat is trying to figure out his life and is looking to find ways he can win back his estranged wife. He caught his wife having an affair, and as a result of his angry outburst, she filed for a restraining order. Pat hopes that he can show his wife that he has changed and that he now has his condition under control. He meets Tiffany, who is a young widow, and she promises to help him win back his wife if he will be her dance partner. Tiffany wants to enter a dance competition and needs someone to dance with.

The film follows the lives of these two characters and has us wondering right to the end whether Pat will reconcile with his wife or will he fall in love with his dance partner instead?

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