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Common Problems With Feet in the Summer

Summer is the time when we release our feet from their confines of thick socks and boots and allow them to have a bit more fresh air. As the weather warms up, open toed shoes and sandals are more commonplace. There are lots of foot issues that can occur more frequently over the summer months.

If you have problems with your feet, it is always best to go to your GP, or to a professional like this podiatrist Gloucester based specialist who specialises in feet. Here are some commonly experienced foot issues in the summer…

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Sunburn – When the sun is out it is all too easy to be caught out by sunburn, and the feet can be particularly susceptible to it when you are wearing flip flops or sandals. Making sure that you always put suncream on your feet is important in the summer, and you might want to go for a higher factor to increase the protection.

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Blisters – If you have changed your footwear, blisters are something that may well occur, and they can be very painful. You can buy special plasters to keep them protected and stop them from bursting whilst they heal up.

Athletes Foot – Athletes foot is a fungal infection that loves a warm and damp environment. This means that it is much more likely to occur in the summer, and if you are swimming a lot and not drying properly between your toes, then you could be running the risk of catching it.

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