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What to Do with Your Journalism Degree

A journalist researches and presents news to the general public in a way that is fair, truthful and ethical.

By choosing a journalism degree, you are embarking on a journey to become a storyteller of our times, who uncovers the truth, challenges perspectives, and shapes the stories that define our world.

Graduate Opportunities

Holding a degree in journalism opens the doors to a career involving flair, creativity, writing, communication and research skills.

You may secure a position with a news outlet that presents their news either in print or digitally online. This could be on a local, regional or national scale. Or you may find that television or radio is more suited to your skills and preferences. There are also opportunities in magazines, within creative digital media or with broadcasting and media companies.

There is a vast range of job titles and roles available to you, with candidates always being advised to set up a portfolio of completed assignments and experience so that they can showcase their practical experience.

Jobs include broadcasting, newspaper or magazine journalists in a range of subjects and specialisms. Writers, proofreaders and publishing copy editors also specialize in journalism. Political risk analysts use their journalism skills to research and present facts to government bodies and leaders.

These are a few of the example opportunities available across areas that span both the digital and written world of journalists.

Training in Journalism

Following graduation, many holders of a degree in journalism continue on to additional qualifications accredited by the National Council for the Training of Journalists. This allows them to gain specialist core knowledge relating to journalism, as well as completing special modules such as digital journalism.

For examples of journalism courses, visit News Associates.

By undertaking the additional accredited training, journalism graduates gain a competitive edge over others when applying for positions. The training offered is highly regarded and considered the industry gold standard in learning, ensuring that graduates can get a start to a highly successful career.

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