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What Pollutants Can Be Found in Soil?

The ultimate movement of contaminants in soil is determined by their chemical nature. The rate at which they interact with soil matrix and pores will determine their ultimate mobility in soil. In addition, the size of the pollutants will limit their mobility in soil pores. In addition to the chemical nature of the contaminants, soils contain various physicochemical factors that affect the contaminant mobility. This article will discuss these factors and their effects on soil health.

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Heavy metals like lead and mercury are naturally present in soil. Exposure to high levels of lead and mercury in the environment can result in developmental problems in children. Excessive mercury in soil can cause kidney damage in humans of all ages. As far as economics are concerned, soil pollution has a negative effect on agriculture. Some areas of China have contaminated soil because it is used for grain production. Heavy metals also have the potential to affect land use and agricultural production.

As mentioned, soil pollution has a variety of effects on people, animals, and ecosystems. Depending on the type of pollution, it can cause headaches, nausea, fatigue, skin rash, eye irritation, and neuromuscular blockage. Some pollutants can also affect human health and cause various forms of cancer. Soil testing can help determine how contaminants affect humans. You can start the soil pollution control process by obtaining samples. For advice from a Land Remediation Company, go to

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One of the most common categories of pollutants is volatile organic compounds (VOCs), which contain carbon-based molecules. Some are anthropogenic, while others are caused by natural processes. Organic contaminants may be synthesised for specific purposes or be released from industrial sources. They are also present as mixtures of other organic compounds, including halogenated organics. These substances pose the greatest risks to human health and the environment.

In addition to pollution from industrial activities, soils are impacted by land use, which introduces additional substances into ecosystems. Soils contain pollutants that come from industry, transport, and other economic activities, and these contaminants reach the soils through a series of processes. The pollutants are then diluted in the soil and temporarily stored. When these pollutants adversely affect human health, they are considered soil pollutants. Soil pollution can be caused by various methods, including air, groundwater, and soil disturbance.

The use of pesticides in the soil has significantly contaminated ecosystems in Europe. Pesticide residues were found in 80% of soil samples tested in Europe. Interestingly, over half of the soil samples contained two or more types of residues. But soil contamination is not solely the result of agricultural practices. Poorly managed waste and industrial activities account for one-third of soil contamination in local areas.


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